Supply Chain & Order Management

Supply Chain Data Freshness

Data Freshness in Supply Chain Contact Management

A Guide to Keeping Your Contact Data Up-to-Date

Data freshness in contact management is about ensuring your business can connect, engage, and grow through effective communication. It's a fundamental aspect of digital hygiene that can significantly influence your business's operational success and reputation.

Here, we’ll explore the concept of data freshness, particularly within contact management, and explain why your business must prioritize and automate this process.

Understanding Data Freshness in Contact Management

What is Data Freshness?

Data freshness refers to how current and accurate your data remains over time. In contact management, it relates to the degree to which your contact information remains relevant and up to date. It's a measure of how reflective your data is of the current realities of your contacts' details. In contact management, this encompasses names, phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, and any other pertinent information that facilitates communication.

Data freshness, particularly within the sphere of contact management, plays a pivotal role in the operational efficiency and effectiveness of your business communications. This concept revolves around the accuracy and timeliness of your data – ensuring that the information you possess about your contacts is as current and precise as possible.

The Importance of Maintaining Fresh Data

Contact information freshness can erode quickly. People change jobs, relocate, adopt new email addresses, and alter their contact preferences with surprising frequency. If your contact database doesn't reflect these changes, you jeopardize the efficacy of your outreach and communication efforts.

Maintaining data freshness is not just about updating records for accuracy; it's about preserving the integrity and reliability of your communications channel. Here are four reasons why contact data freshness matters:

Enhanced Communication. Fresh, accurate contact data ensures your messages reach their intended recipients, which enhances the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, customer support, and stakeholder communication.

Increased Efficiency. Up-to-date information reduces the time and resources wasted on attempting to connect through outdated channels, thereby optimizing operational efficiency.

Customer Satisfaction. When your business communicates accurately and promptly, it enhances customer experience and satisfaction. Customers and partners appreciate being recognized as individuals, which is reflected in how well you maintain their contact information.

Compliance and Trust. In many jurisdictions regulations around data protection and privacy necessitate the maintenance of accurate records. Fresh data helps ensure compliance with these regulations, building trust between your business and its contacts.

For Whom is Data Freshness a Priority?

Every business that relies on direct communication with customers, clients, partners, or suppliers needs to prioritize data freshness. This is especially true for businesses in sectors like e-commerce, B2B services, healthcare, finance, retail, and any industry where the cost of miscommunication can be high or relationships and personalized communication is key to success.

As the digital economy grows - and with it the volume of digital communications - the importance of data freshness will only increase. Businesses that recognize and act on the imperative to maintain fresh contact data will position themselves ahead of competitors, building more robust, efficient, and trusted communication channels with their stakeholders.

Case Studies in Supply Chain Data Freshness

Retail supply chain environments are complex systems with numerous actors. They exemplify the challenges in maintaining contact data freshness.

Retailers and Vendors. Even mid-sized retailers can have hundreds or thousands of suppliers and vendors, each of which may have one or more contacts across departments in each organization. The sheer magnitude of maintaining up-to-date information for these contacts is costly, particularly when the retailer has no single repository of contact data “truth”. 

Logistics and Warehousing. Retailers often have an urgent need to know the status and location of goods. Inaccurate or out-of-date contact data for their logistics providers can lead to delays in decision making, top-line losses and damage to customer satisfaction. 

Manufacturing and Production. Retailers have to know when goods are likely to be produced and shipped. When manufacturers make mistakes in shipping or ship damaged or otherwise unsellable goods, retailers need quick and effective resolution of the issues. Inaccurate or missing contact data costs retailers time and money. 

The Challenges in Maintaining Contact Data Freshness

Maintaining the freshness of contact data presents several challenges, including:

  • Data Decay. Contact information changes frequently as people move jobs, change phone numbers, or update email addresses.
  • Volume and Scale. Manually updating records is expensive, mistake-prone, and time-consuming for businesses with thousands of contacts.
  • Integration Issues. Disparate systems and platforms can lead to siloed data, complicating the synchronization of contact information across the organization.

Recognizing the Signs of Stale Contact Data

Symptoms of stale contact data include:

  • Bounced Emails. An increasing rate of email bounces indicates outdated email addresses in your database.
  • Failed Deliveries. Physical mail returns or undelivered text messages signal incorrect addresses or phone numbers.
  • Reduced Engagement. A noticeable decline in engagement rates can suggest your messages aren’t reaching the intended recipients.

The Business Case for Automating Contact Data Management

Automating contact data management addresses several data freshness challenges:

Data inaccuracy. Automated tools can validate and update contact records in real-time, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring data remains current.

Inability to scale. Automated systems easily handle large volumes of contact data, making them ideal for businesses of all sizes.

Eroded customer relationships. Accurate, up-to-date contact information enables more effective communication, fostering stronger customer relationships.

Excessive costs. Businesses can realize significant cost savings by minimizing time spent on manual updates and reducing failed communication attempts.

Data out of compliance. Automation helps maintain compliance with data protection regulations by ensuring only current and consented contact details are used in communications.

Elevating Your Contact Management with Data Freshness

Contact data freshness is more than a convenience; it's a competitive advantage. By understanding the challenges associated with maintaining data freshness and embracing automation in your contact management processes, you can ensure that your business communications are efficient, compliant, and, most importantly, effective.

As you navigate the complexities of contact data management, remember that the goal is to maintain data and empower your business strategies with accurate, accessible, and actionable information. Investing in automated solutions for contact data management is a strategic move toward achieving operational excellence and driving business success.

Rivet Automates Contact Data Freshness

Rivet, Traverse Systems’ business process automation solution, combines software and professional services to automate your contact data freshness activities and processes. Rivet allows companies of all sizes to effectively and efficiently maintain current contact data.

Rivet accommodates your existing documents, data, and, where desired, data repositories and applications. It automatically alerts appropriate personnel of contact data freshness issues. It also generates alerts associated with erroneous, incomplete, or late responses to contact data updates. And its customizable dashboards give you visibility into the status of processes, risk exposure, and the need for action.

The result is a stronger and more profitable bottom line. Rivet helps you to easily:

  • Surface contact data issues in near real-time and simultaneously alert all affected personnel inside and outside your organization. 
  • Create a workflow that tracks issue responses through their lifecycle.
  • Aggregate and make available all documentation and paperwork related to contact data management follow-up.
  • Documents accountability, trends, and appropriate resolutions or process changes


Ready to learn more about how automation can help you automate your contact data freshness processes? Let’s talk. Rivet reflects the Traverse Systems teams’ combined 200 years of supply chain experience. If you have a problem, there’s a good chance we’ve seen it—and solved it—before. Get in touch here.

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